All Whimstar And Dews Of Inspiration Locations In Timis’s Beauty Lab In Infinity Nikki

As you explore Miraland with Nikki and Momo in Infinity Nikki, you’ll encounter plenty of new challenges to overcome with your Ability Outfits. Each area you come across will have dozens of secrets to find, and Timis’s Beauty Lab is no exception. Inside the work of a brilliant cosmetics mogul, you’ll find shimmering powders and giant bottles of unknown concoctions.

Helping Timis hit the reset button in her lab will combat the growing vines overrun by Dark essence. Here’s everything you need to know to clear them out and collect everything you can from within the mysterious and magical beauty lab.
Timis’s Beauty Lab Workshop
When you enter the lab, you’ll need to use the Shrinking Ability Outfit to ride Momo’s hood. Go through the tiny door and carefully ride along the assembly lines to the other side of the room.
Grow back to normal, then smash through the weakened floor. You can enter an adjacent room to collect two Dews of Inspiration and a Whimstar on top of several massive bottles. Head back down to the main room, then progress through the nearby tunnel into a green chamber.
In the Aroma Extraction Room, you’ll find two more Dews of Inspiration behind the pot of white roses.
Take the assembly belts up through the chamber, then hop across the gilded chandeliers to collect two more Dews on Inspiration.
From there, leap through the open window to reach the path forward. Wrap around to an open archway leading further into the workshop.
Before you enter, drop down through the square hole in the floor to collect two more Dews and a Whimstar in the next room over.
Timis’s Beauty Lab Cosmetic Assembly Line
Once you enter the purple chamber, you’re with the main assembly lines. Move along them, carefully timing your position to avoid the pistons that slam into the belts.
Don’t try to hop over ones with a bright-colored top! They’re hot and will deal damage.
Continue along the assembly lines until you reach a conveyor belt leading upwards. Turn around and use the Floating Ability Outfit to collect three Dews of Inspiration. Then, proceed to the next room.
After you cross the next set of conveyor belts, drop down into the chamber on your left, then climb onto the rising platform. Collect three Dews of Inspirations behind you, then hurry into the next room. Here, you’ll find a Whimstar all the way at the back of the top chamber, along with two Dews of Inspiration.
Drop through the tube to get back to the start of the Cosmetic Assembly Line.
Follow the trail of blings across the series of conveyor belts to reach the last chamber in Timis’s Beauty Lab.
Timis’s Beauty Lab Cleansing Oil Workshop
The last two Dews of Inspiration for this dungeon are to the left of the tunnel entrance. Grab them before diving in and riding the flowing stream of cleansing oil into the final chamber.
You’ll be deposited into a room filled with conveyor belts and massive corrupted vines. As Momo, dodge the thorns and vines to move from one belt to the next until you safely reach the other side of the room.
Once you do, interact with the reset button to complete the dungeon, dispel the corrupted thorns, and return to Timis!

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