New DnD Shoes & Handbags Released by KOI

New DnD Shoes and Handbags Released by KOI
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Over the past year, Dungeons & Dragons has dipped its draconic toes into the world of fashion with a number of cross brand collaborations with a number of major clothing and apparel companies. This includes a new line of DnD Hawaiian shirts from Reyn Spooner, a series of limited-edition DnD shoes & shirts from Converse and a range of high-end DnD fashion items from couture designer BlackMilk.
Now, Wizards of the Coast is keeping the trend going with a new collection of official DnD shoes and handbags developed by the popular UK-based clothing maker KOI. Like other collaborations, these are more than just slapping a few beholders on t-shirts and instead are high-end offerings that fans of both high-end clothing and RPGs will likely appreciate.
So will these new KOI DnD designs level up your fashion game? Below we break out all the details and take a closer look at the full product line.

What are the KOI DnD shoes and handbags?
The new KOI DnD collection contains a range of boots and shoes all of which contain Dungeons & Dragons art and themes. This includes Draco Scale Chunky Stomper Boots, Uncanny Dodge Rogue Military Boots and their L’Otta Monsters Trident Platform Boots. The line also includes several handbags, including a mimic design and one based on the iconic gelatinous cube. Notably, the collection also features a pair of Draco Shoe Wings which you can attach to your footwear (although it’s not clear if they’ll increase your base movement speed or let you Fly).
Most of the products range in the $150 to $200 USD price range (not including shipping), so theses definitely aren’t going to be for everyone, both in terms of cost and style. They also tend to be more focused on female buyers, although men could easily rock a lot of these options and they do have a large number of different sizing options.
You can currently order them directly from the KOI website, although they may be available at local high-end brick and mortar retailers who carry KOI products.

Final Thoughts
Over the decades Dungeons & Dragons has largely been associated with poorly dressed nerds, so it’s great to see the brand come into its own and break the stereotype with high-end collaborations like KOI’s new DnD shoes and handbag line. It’s proof that the game has come a long way and that players can rock both dice rolls and high fashion.
If you’re interested in picking up any of these new shoes, boots or bags, you can purchase them now directly from the KOI website.
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Paige Stuart is a Staff Writer who lives in Chicago, Illinois where she majored in English Literature at Northwestern University. She’s relatively new to Dungeons & Dragons having started playing 5th edition several years ago. Her favorite D&D campaign setting so far is the Forgotten Realms and her favorite character to play is a Wizard named Felician who hurls both bad puns and fireballs with equal ease.